Read the About this book section to find out the books' features.When it's finished downloading (it will have a checkmark next to it), tap the book to open it.Tap the book you wish to download onto your device. Tap the X in the upper right corner or tap Done to close the About section and start reading your book.
How to search your e-book library in the Kindle app for iPhone and iPad You can download as many e-books as you want on your iPhone and iPad as long as you have enough room on your device to fit it all. Tap the More icon in the bottom right corner.If you have a large collection of books already built up in your Kindle library, you may need a little help finding the title you are looking for. Type a word or phrase associated with the book you are looking for. Once you've found the book you are looking for, tap it to download it to your device or start reading it if it's already downloaded to your device.

How to remove books from your device in the Kindle appĮ-books don't take up a whole lot of space on their own, but once your collection starts to swell, it can add up. Maybe you want to clear out that space, or maybe there's a book you started and had to put down because it was awful, and you just want it out of your face.