Which shape or shapes do you recognize in your own breasts?

These commonalities (seen below as my list of breast shapes) show that while we as women can find a wonderful sense of community and even kinship in our similarities, no two of us are exactly the same. With that in mind, there are some breast shape commonalities that link individual women together through their natural shape. You are your own unique self, and your breasts are a part of that self. You are not a category or a classification or a group. Positive and confident body language, good posture and an overall sense of poise are classic and very telling outward signs of a woman who is aware of her breasts, in touch with her physical self and loving towards her natural shape. If you're more familiar with your body and your breasts, in particular, it shows. Most importantly, your breasts are a part of your body and therefore it can help you to feel more knowledgeable and in touch with your own self to know them well. I think it's important to familiarize yourself with your unique breast shape for a few reasons. With that in mind, here's my guide to understanding your breasts, finding confidence in your unique shape and choosing a Leonisa bra that helps you celebrate and accentuate what you have! I hope that we can find a sense of community among the different body shapes women identify with, but also that we can view it as a way to better understand ourselves and not feel the need to alter it for non-health reasons.
Instead, I think we should be talking about how to love and celebrate your unique body shape, breasts and more. Though there are common shapes out there and many women identify with at least one of them, so many conversations and articles focus on how to normalize your “different” shape to make it look more similar to a standard or universally pleasing breast shape. I see this a lot when it comes to different boob shapes. While the categorization of women's body shapes can indeed shed light on commonalities and helpful, shape-specific information, it's also true that these categories are usually generalized to a point that lacks recognition or appreciation for unique, specific features. At Leonisa, we value women and each of their strong, beautiful bodies because physical health and both emotional and mental strength are something to celebrate! From a physical aspect, however, women are often viewed in terms of how they might fit into a predetermined category instead of how they are unique. From smile and laugh to soul and personality, I love that simply being your true self is unique. Each individual body is different from another.